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As like I have been saying before that not all the time the Lottery numbers will spread out from end to end making it more difficult for you to win something when they do.

But when the lottery numbers don't spread out from end to end and most to all of the lotto numbers fall into my strategic number fields than your chances of winning something is much better than if you don't use my strategic number fields.

But for NY pick ten lotto is quite different because the lotto numbers for this lottery falls every time into my strategic number fields.

Twenty numbers are drawn and you have to choose ten numbers out of a field of 1 to 80.
Now my strategic number fields for this game is 1 to 40 and 40 to 80. It also can be 41 to 80 too.

Pick Ten lotto numbers fall either half and half like if you played both strategic number fields 1 to 40 and 40 to 80 ten numbers counting from left to right would fall into one number field and the other ten numbers counting from right to left would fall into the other.

Now mostly all of the time one side of the twenty numbers drawn comes out to be one side more than the other. This increases your chances of winning because more numbers has fell into your strategic number field.

Example of one side being more than the other:

Now if you noticed that if my strategic number field 1 to 40 was played than thirteen numbers would be in my strategic number field. If you had played my other strategic number field 40 to 80 than seven numbers would be in this strategic number field.

Ny Pick Ten Lottery numbers for July 25, 2014

Counting from left to right 10 numbers fell into my strategic number field 1 to 40
Counting from right to left 11 numbers fell into my strategic number field 40 to 80

Ny Pick Ten Lottery numbers for July 26, 2014

Counting from left to right 10 numbers fell into my strategic number field 1 to 40
Counting from right to left 10 numbers fell into my strategic number field 40 to 80

Ny Pick Ten Lottery numbers for July 27, 2014

Counting from left to right 10 numbers fell into my strategic number field 1 to 40
Counting from right to left 11 numbers fell into my strategic number field 40 to 80

Ny Pick Ten Lottery numbers for July 28, 2014

Counting from left to right 10 numbers fell into my strategic number field 1 to 40
Counting from right to left 10 numbers fell into my strategic number field 40 to 80

Ny Pick Ten Lottery numbers for July 29, 2014

Counting from left to right 11 numbers fell into my strategic number field 1 to 40
Counting from right to left 10 numbers fell into my strategic number field 40 to 80

Ny Pick Ten Lottery numbers for July 30, 2014

Counting from left to right 12 numbers fell into my strategic number field 1 to 40

Ny Pick Ten Lottery numbers for July 31, 2014

Counting from right to left 12 numbers fell into my strategic number field 40 to 80

Ny Pick Ten Lottery numbers for August 2nd, 2014

Counting from left to right 11 numbers fell into my strategic number field 1 to 40
Counting from right to left 10 numbers fell into my strategic number field 40 to 80

Ny Pick Ten Lottery numbers for August 3rd, 2014

Counting from right to left 14 numbers fell into my strategic number field 40 to 80

Ny Pick Ten Lottery numbers for August 4th, 2014

Counting from right to left 11 numbers fell into my strategic number field 40 to 80

My strategic number fields are great if your the kind of lottery player that loves to play multiple combinations. But also to if your that kind of lottery player that just loves to play a few combinations down to one than my strategic number fields are still great.

The more numbers that falls into one of my strategic number fields the better chances you have on winning something.

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